Articles and Books on Medicine in Antiquity
- 1779 - SUE - Histoire des dieux et déesses
- 1814 - HOSACK - Observations on the surgery of the Ancients
- 1852 - PATTERSON - Romance and reality of ancient medicine
- 1855 - WRIGHT - Ancient history of medicine
- 1856 - WATSON - The medical profession in ancient times
- 1875 - BEGBIE - Ancient and modern practice of medicine
- 1881 - JENKS - The practice of gynecology in ancient times
- 1884 - MAUGHS - What the ancients knew about ObGyn
- 1885 - WERTNER - Stellung des ârtlichen Standes im Alterthum
- 1887 - BARBOUR - Early contributions of anatomy to obstetrics
- 1896 - DUDLEY - Ancient medicine and surgery
- 1901 - McKAY - The history of ancient gynecology
- 1915 - McMURRICH - Medical ideals in the ancient world
- 1922 - WRIGHT - Serpent worship and the dawn of medicine
- 1925 - SCHUMANN - Deities of childbirth
- 1928 - LASH - Gynecology of the ancients
- 1948 - McDANIEL - Ancient magical medicine