Readings on Canada and Canadian Medicine
- 1834 - MOREAU - Instructions sur l'art des accouchements
- 1842 - Medicine and surgery in Quebec
- 1842 - Medicine and surgery in Montreal
- 1871 - Medical Council of Ontario
- 1871 - Pictures from Canada
- 1871 - Rules and regulations of the Medical Council of Ontario
- 1873 - Tariff of medical fees in Toronto
- 1881 - Quebec medical tariff
- 1886 - Medical and surgical history of the Canadian NW rebellion of 1885
- 1887 - The Chair of midwifery in McGill university
- 1895 - Collège des médecins et chirurgiens du Québec
- 1898 - DRUMMOND - Pioneers of medicine in the province of Quebec
- 1900 - Canadian medical women
- 1902 - The establishment of a medical council for Canada
- 1903 - La license interprovinciale
- 1904 - CAMPBELL - Pioneers of medicine in Nova Scotia
- 1905 - CAMPBELL - Medical profession Nova Scotia
- 1908 - CHARLTON - Medicine in Canada
- 1908 - The feud in Halifax
- 1913 - Medical Council of Canada
- 1920 - McILWRAITH - Obstetrics and the State
- 1924 - LITTLE - Obstetrics during the past twenty-five years
- 1925 - HAMILTON - License Inspectors
- 1925 - MacCALLUM - Medical Licensure
- 1926 - ANDERSON - History of medicine in Toronto
- 1929 - HATTIE - Requirements for medical licensure
- 1929 - JAMIESON - Sketch of medical progress in Alberta
- 1929 - ROWNTREE - Canadian Medicine
- 1930 - COMRIE - Scottish influence on Canadian medicine
- 1931 - MONRO - The medical history of British Columbia
- 1933 - DARBY - Indian medicine in British Columbia
- 1933 - JAMIESON - Medical history of Edmonton
- 1935 - COPPOCK - State obstetrics
- 1935 - GRAHAM - Medical history of the County of Huron
- 1935 - MITCHELL - Early doctors of Manitoba
- 1945 - GORDON - Medicine in Montreal in the 'Nineties'
- 1948 - JAMIESON - Milestones in Canadian medicine
- 1948 - KERR - Maternal mortality in Canada
- 1955 - BRAMLEY-MOORE - Medical licensure in Canada
- 1958 - GRISDALE - The Alberta perinatal mortality study
- 1965 - BOWLES - Obstetrics in Newfoundland