Readings on Surgical Complications
- 1885 - GOODELL - Parotitis following operations on the female genital organs
- 1886 - HUNTER - Persistent pain after abdominal section
- 1889 - COE - Death from visceral affections after ovariotomy
- 1889 - HOFFMAN - Accidents and complications of abdominal and pelvic operations
- 1890 - COE - Is the mortality after GYN operations affected by season?
- 1891 - BALDY - Insanity following gynecological operations
- 1892 - GOFFE - Re-opening the abdomen for acute septic peritonitis following coeliotomy
- 1892 - WATHEN - Complications during and after abdominal and pelvic surgery
- 1893 - BOISE - The nature of shock, and its management
- 1896 - BALDY - Embolism complicating abdominal section
- 1896 - FRY - Myomectomy: fatal secondary hemorrhage with rising temperature
- 1896 - PARKE - Some complications and sequelae of gynecological operations
- 1897 - CHASE - Surgical shock and hemorrhage: its prevention and management
- 1897 - GARRIGUES - Secondary operations
- 1897 - PRICE - Post-operative lesions and sequelae
- 1898 - BLUME - Complications following vaginal hysterectomy in pelvic suppuration
- 1899 - COE - Crural thrombosis following aseptic celiotomy
- 1899 - GILLIAM - What shall we do with the post-operative hemorrhage of celiotomy?
- 1900 - INGRAHAM - Jaundice following abdominal section
- 1901 - BOISE - Surgical shock from a clinical standpoint
- 1901 - FREDERICK - Rare and odd cases in pelvic and abdominal surgery: lessons they teach
- 1901 - OASTLER - Post-operative sequelae and conservative gynecology
- 1901 - ROBB - Pus in abdominal operations
- 1902 - JESSETT - Some complications arising subsequently to coeliotomy
- 1902 - MORLEY - Parotitis following abdominal section
- 1903 - BROTHERS - Accidental perforation of the uterus
- 1903 - DEWEY - Insanity following surgical operations
- 1903 - PRICE - Analysis of common causes of death following GYN operations
- 1903 - SECORD - Thrombosis of the femoral veins following aseptic laparotomy
- 1905 - BALDY - The mortality in operations upon fibroid tumor of the uterus
- 1905 - MILLER - Post-operative complications involving the bronchi, lungs, etc.
- 1905 - POLK - The causes of death following abdominal operations
- 1906 - KRUSEN - Post-Op Embolism
- 1906 - CONGDON - Abdominal section for trauma of the uterus
- 1906 - JOHNSON-BOISE - Thrombosis and embolism following abdominal operations
- 1906 - KRUSEN - Embolism following abdominal section
- 1906 - MAYO - Mortality, disability, and permanency of cure in surgery
- 1906 - PICHEVIN - Des délires post-opératoires
- 1906 - WERDER - Factors which have lowered the operative mortality
- 1907 - BROTHERS - The prophylaxis and treatment of post-operative phlebitis
- 1907 - COE - Post-operative thrombo-phlebitis
- 1907 - MILLER - Post-Op Thrombosis and Embolism
- 1907 - PFAFF- Post-Op Phlebitis
- 1907 - ROSSER - The postoperative complications in abdominal surgery
- 1909 - KELLY - Postoperative psychoses
- 1909 - SIMPSON - Factors which contribute to a reduction in mortality in abdominal surgery
- 1912 - POLAK - The operative findings at secondary operations
- 1912 - SANES - Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
- 1913 - CRILE - Newer methods of reducing the mortality of operations on the pelvic organs
- 1914 - HENDERSON - Recent experiments defining the dangers of anesthesia
- 1914 - MOOTS - Factors determining the morbidity of surgical cases
- 1915 - SKEEL - An analysis of the mortality of abdominal surgery
- 1916 - DARNALL - The relation of so-called ether pneumonia to pelvic and abdominal surgery
- 1916 - SKEEL - Operative judgment as a factor in surgical mortality and morbidity
- 1917 - MAYNE - Perforation of the uterus through the use of instruments
- 1919 - BUETTNER - Safety factors in the team work of operator and anesthetist
- 1919 - CLEVELAND - Further studies in postoperative pneumonitis
- 1919 - COLLINS - Parotitis as a postoperative complication
- 1920 - FARRAR - Acidosis in operative surgery
- 1925 - BEVAN - Disasters following operations for retroposition of the uterus
- 1926 - GWYN - Post-operative pulmonary complications
- 1927 - COOKE - Factors influencing mortality and morbidity following GYN laparotomies
- 1928 - NIELSEN - Neurological complications in surgery
- 1930 - DEAVER - Peritonitis following abdominal surgery
- 1930 - WALTERS - Reducing the incidence of fatal postoperative pulmonary embolism
- 1936 - DANNREUTHER - The control of morbidity and mortality following pelvic surgery
- 1936 - HILLER - Postoperative anuria
- 1940 - DORSETT - Re-operation: analysis of 125 gynecological cases
- 1942 - BABCOCK - Complications of abdominal surgery and their management
- 1948 - BICKEL- Post Hysterectomy Vaginal Prolapse
- 1950 - FINN - Gynecologic mortality
- 1961 - FRANCIS - Dyspareunia following vaginal operations
- 1961 - MATHESON - Paraplegia from flexion injury of the spine: high lithotomy position danger