Readings on Obstetrics
- 1556 - Déclaration du Roy
- 1688 - Ordonnance contre les femmes qui recèlent leur grossesse
- 1817 - LOBSTEIN - Accouchemens à Strasbourg
- 1842 - MARTIN - Qualités du médecin accoucheur
- 1847 - METCALF - Statistics in midwifery
- 1866 - RIBES - Perversions Morales chez les Femmes Enceintes
- 1868 - DAVID - De la grossesse
- 1875 - PÉNARD - Instruments indispensables au médecin-accoucheur
- 1879 - ANON - Letters to a young physician
- 1879 - JOHNSON - Mismanaged Labor
- 1882 - VERRIER - Des services d'accouchements dans les hôpitaux
- 1886 - EDITORIAL - Are Obstetrical principles unscientific?
- 1890 - PARVIN - Casuistry in obstetrics
- 1892 - BARKER - Some exceptions to the "Golden Rules" of obstetrics
- 1892 - MONTGOMERY - Some mooted points in obstetrics and gynecology
- 1896 - ULRICH - Address on obstetrics
- 1900 - HIRST - Obstetrical technique at University Hospital, U Pennsylvania
- 1906 - FINDLEY - Factors contributing to better results in gynecology and obstetrics
- 1906 - LEWIS - Obstetrical technique in the Cook County hospital, Chicago
- 1907 - EDGAR - Obstetric technique at Bellevue hospital, New York City
- 1908 - BARRY - Obstetrical experiences in general practice: with summary of 800 deliveries
- 1911 - NEWELL - The responsibility of the obstetrician
- 1914 - NEWELL - The need of individualization in obstetrics
- 1914 - WATSON - Development of obstetrics
- 1917 - WILLIAMS - Why is the art of obstetrics so poorly practised?
- 1921 - ANSPACH - The drudgery of obstetrics and its effect upon the practice of the Art
- 1921 - HOLMES - The fads and fancies of obstetrics
- 1923 - ANSPACH - The trend of modern obstetrics: what is the danger?
- 1923 - HUMPSTONE - The sociological responsibility of obstetrics and gynecology
- 1928 - McQUEEN - Evolution of obstetrics
- 1931 - EPSTEIN-FLEISCHER - "Sane" obstetrics
- 1933 - DeLEE - The technic of the Chicago Maternity Center
- 1942 - BARTHOLOMEW - Utopian obstetrics
- 1954 - BERKOW - Obstetrics, Cinderella of medicine