Readings on Sexuality and Relationships
- 1559 - BANDELLO - Histoires tragiques
- 1584 - EQUICOLA - De la nature d'amour
- 1618 - DUPLEIX - La curiosité naturelle
- 1620 - HOSMER - Hic Mulier
- 1623 - FERRAND - De la maladie d'amour ou mélancholie érotique
- 1649 - GUILLEMEAU - L'impuissance des hommes & des femmes
- 1696 - VENETTE - Tableau de l'amour conjugal
- 1755 - PROCOPE-COUTEAU - Nouveau tableau de l'amour conjugal
- 1775 - ROUSSEL - Système physique et moral de la femme
- 1794 - SWEDENBORG - The delights of wisdom concerning conjugial love
- 1795 - SIBLY - The medical mirror; or, treatise on the impregnation of the human female
- 1798 - LIGNAC - A physical view of man and woman in a state of marriage
- 1812 - KITCHENER - Letters on marriage
- 1818 - KINNERSLEY - The matrimonial miscellany
- 1822 - GOOD - The study of medicine: diseases of the sexual function
- 1825 - VIREY - De la femme, sous ses rapports physiologique, moral, et littéraire
- 1834 - ANONYMOUS - State of the uterus immediately after coitus
- 1834 - Matrimony: The doctrine of chances
- 1835 - Old Bachelors: their varieties, characters, and conditions
- 1835 - Old Maids: their varieties, characters, and conditions
- 1837 - ALCOTT - The Young Wife
- 1842 - MOREL - Les secrets de la génération
- 1844 - BECKLARD - Physiological mysteries and revelations in love, courtship, and marriage
- 1845 - ROBERTSON - A contribution to the medical history of sexual diseases
- 1849 - WATERHOUSE - Conjugal felicities and infelicities
- 1851 - DUFOUR - Histoire de la prostitution chez tous les peuples du monde
- 1854 - NICHOLS - Marriage: its history, character, and results
- 1855 - ROUBAUD - Traité de l'impuissance et de la stérilité chez l'homme et la femme
- 1857 - DEBAY - Hygiène et physiologie du mariage
- 1861 - GARDNER - Intercourse as affecting uterine diseases, and their treatment
- 1861 - SIMS - On vaginismus
- 1862 - MONCAUT - Histoire de l'amour dans l'antiquité
- 1866 - TRALL- Sexual physiology
- 1868 - ANONYMOUS - Letter on prostitution in Paris
- 1868 - BERGERET - Des fraudes dans l'accomplissement des fonctions génératrices
- 1868 - GRINDON - The sexuality of Nature
- 1869 - DAVENPORT - Aphrodisiacs and Anti-aphrodisiacs
- 1869 - HOOD - Vaginismus, treated successfully without operation
- 1869 - JACKSON - The sexual organism and its healthful management
- 1870 - FOWLER - Creative and sexual science
- 1871 - BOURGEOIS - Les passions: l'amour et le libertinage
- 1874 - MAYER - Des rapports conjugaux
- 1874 - SAUNDERS - About woman, love, and marriage
- 1874 - SCHENEGIERIEF - On vaginismus (dyspareunia of Dr. Barnes)
- 1875 - ACTON - The functions and disorders of the reproductive organs
- 1875 - RICHARD - Histoire de la génération chez l'homme et chez la femme
- 1875 - ANONYMOUS - Influence of anaesthetics upon the sexual impressions of females
- 1877 - UZANNE - Du mariage, par un philosophe du XVIIIe siècle
- 1877 - WARREN - Dyspareunia
- 1878 - HOLLICK - Philosophy of amative indulgence
- 1878 - VAN DE WARKER - Impotency in women
- 1879 - UZANNE - Le bric-à-brac de l'amour
- 1880 - GROSS - On sexual debility, sexual exhaustion, and impotence
- 1880 - STEVENS - Sexual neurotic conditions
- 1880 - VAN DE WARKER - Primary vaginismus
- 1880 - WITKOWSKI - De l'appétit vénérien
- 1880 - WITKOWSKI - De la copulation
- 1881 - PARVIN - Coition in pregnancy
- 1883 - UZANNE Les moeurs secrètes du XVIIIe siècle
- 1884 - BEARD - Sexual Neurasthenia
- 1885 - COMBET - De la prostitution: les causes, les remèdes
- 1885 - DELAURE - Des divinités génératices, ou du culte du phallus
- 1886 - MANTEGAZZA - L'amour dans l'humanité: essai sur une ethnologie de l'amour
- 1887 - MILTON - On the pathology and treatment of gonorrhea and spermatorrhea
- 1889 - REED - Effect of removal of the uterine appendages on the sexual appetite
- 1890 - WALLIAN - The physiological, pathological and psychological bearings of sex
- 1891 - HEINZEN - The rights of women and the sexual relations
- 1892 - HOLDER - The Mitchell-Ward case: lesbian love murder
- 1892 - SIMPSON - The marriage question from the standpoint of gynaecology
- 1893 - MOLL - Les perversions de l'instinct génital
- 1893 - PERCY - Prostitution: the relation of the medical profession to its abolishment
- 1894 - JACOBS - The ethnology of the sixth (genital) sense
- 1894 - MANTEGAZZA - The art of taking a wife
- 1895 - DUPOUY - Prostitution in antiquity: a study in social hygiene
- 1895 - GUNNING - Vaginismus: its causes and treatment
- 1897 - TAYLOR - A practical treatise on sexual disorders of the male and female
- 1898 - MACKENZIE - The relations between the nose and the sexual apparatus of man
- 1898 - MORTIMER - Chapters on human love
- 1898 - PIGG - The effects of incomplete coition
- 1898 - THOINOT - Attentats aux moeurs et perversions du sens génital
- 1899 - Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen
- 1899 - KRAFY-EBING - Psychopathia Sexualis
- 1899 - LUCINE - Coquetterie génitale
- 1899 - REMONDINO - The history, psychology, and therapeutics of impotence
- 1900 - CARLETON - Disorders of the male sexual organs
- 1900 - LEWIS - The gynecologic consideration of the sexual act
- 1901 - DUEHREN - Le Marquis de Sade et son temps
- 1901 - DUPOUY - Medicine and morals of ancient Rome according to the Latin poets
- 1901 - ELLIS - Studies in the psychology of sex
- 1901 - STEWART - What constitutes sexual intemperance?
- 1901 - VECKI - The pathology and treatment of sexual impotence
- 1902 - KELLER - La Grèce antique amoureuse
- 1903 - DÜHREN - Das Geschlechtsleben in England
- 1903 - BLANCHARD - Persistance du culte phallique en France
- 1904 - FUCHS - Das erotische Element in der Karikatur
- 1904 - KISCH - Das Geschlechtsleben des Weibes
- 1904 - WEININGER - Geschlecht und Charakter
- 1905 - DELAURE - Des divinités génératrices chez les anciens et les modernes
- 1905 - JANSELME - Un vestige du culte phallique: la danse du serpent à Luang-Prabang
- 1906 - RENTOUL - Sexual perverts
- 1906 - van BEVER - Contes et conteurs gaillards au XVIIIe siècle
- 1907 - ADAM - La morale de l'amour
- 1907 - MESROPIAN - Physical and sexual fragility of the average American woman
- 1908 - TALMEY - Woman: a treatise on the normal and pathological emotions of feminine love
- 1911 - SALLEBY - Woman and womanhood: a search for principles
- 1911 - The social evil in Chicago
- 1912 - FERRERO - Woman and marriage in ancient Rome
- 1912 - IVES - The sexual sphere in woman
- 1912 - MICHELS - Sexual ethics: a study of borderland questions
- 1912 - PARKE - Human sexuality: a medico-literary treatise on the sex instinct
- 1913 - EXNER - Medical authority and prevailing misconceptions about sex
- 1913 - NYSTROM - The natural laws of sexual life: medico-sociological researches
- 1915 - LUCKA - Eros: the development of the sex relation through the ages
- 1916 - ROBIE - Rational sex ethics
- 1916 - ROBINSON - Woman's sex problems : a lecture
- 1917 - MEISEL-Hess - The sexual crisis: a critique of our sex life
- 1920 - BLANCHARD - The adolescent girl
- 1920 - HIRSCHFELD - Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes
- 1920 - ROBIE - Rational sex ethics
- 1921 - ROBIE - The art of love
- 1922 - HARRIS - Venereal diseases in New York City
- 1922 - LALO - La beauté et l'instinct sexuel
- 1922 - STONE - Sex searchlights and sane sex ethics
- 1922 - WERTHER-JUNE - The female impersonators
- 1925 - DICKINSON - The average sex life of American women
- 1927 - DAVIS - Periodicity of sex desire
- 1931 - DICKINSON - Medical analysis of a thousand marriages
- 1932 - MAYER - Classification and treatment of dyspareunia